OPEN TRAINING Lean Six Sigma Agile Training BOOKING PAGE
Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot The content was pitched perfectly and delivered expertly by James who has huge credibility and past experience with Agile, Lean, and Six Sigma. Matt Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot “These improvements would have taken at least 6 months to get approved and implemented previously. I’ve never got this done this quickly before” Lucy Ginger Essex CC Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot “We were interested in speeding up project delivery as initial projects were taking longer than expected… ...that was our original thinking, but the course has given us an awful lot more, particularly at acknowledging the deliverables...” Electricity Supply Board Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot We have seen benefits such as our cycle time, more togetherness in our teams and more shared ownership. It adds to the toolkit we have the in the Lean Six Sigma experience. It works very well” Wayne Fisher, SKY Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot "...we have started to put some of our learnings into practical use. We have two small teams that are currently planning their next sprints. As a result, we have been sharing some of our new knowledge with them and they are testing out some of the techniques.” Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot “Many thanks for the excellent Agile course you put together and hosted…extremely useful and we are already talking about how we can adopt some of the concepts we learnt into our project management activities.” Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot “We have already bought into the Agile piece, which was a fantastic session” Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot “Thanks for a really good two days. Now to do something with it!”

“Thank you for the excellent training”
Catalyst Trust Pilot Catalyst Trust Pilot “We have already started and completed our first sprint. We are finding the process very helpful”


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