You have questions, The Lean Six Sigma Guru has answers. Each month, the mysterious and wise Lean Six Sigma Guru answers the most popular questions about Lean Six Sigma and the world of Continuous Improvement.
The path to excellence can be a long one, but ultimately rewarding in many ways. However, it need not be confusing. Allow me to share my wisdom with you and ease your journey through the teachings of Lean Six Sigma.

I only have a basic understanding of the principles, do you think this would hold me back?
A. Catalyst’s Green Belt course is designed to be appropriate for delegates with no previous experience. There is some maths, but it’s not too difficult….you can try some of the maths by clicking here.
Our course is also ideal for those with some knowledge as it gives comprehensive hands-on experience to enhance understanding and capability.

I want to register for six sigma accreditation, but unsure if I should do the Yellow Belt training before Green Belt?
A. You can start straight at Green Belt if you wish, our Green Belt course includes all of the Yellow Belt course content.
Yellow Belt is good if you are going to be part of a team, whereas Green Belt will equip you to actively and confidently lead improvement projects.

I’m looking at undertaking the online training for Lean Six Sigma. I don’t know whether to start at Advanced Green Belt or Black Belt, what is the normal route people take?
A. The Black Belt programme contains all of the learning content from Green Belt, so you ultimately cover the same ground. You can start at Green Belt level and then upgrade progressively via Advanced Green Belt and/or Black Belt. Most people who really are focused on Black Belt as their objective, start on the Black Belt path from the start.

Is there an option to convert from Green Belt to Black belt?
A. Yes, all of Catalyst’s Lean Six Sigma courses are modular. You can upgrade from any level by clicking here.

I am interested in starting with the online Lean Six Sigma Green Belt programme, what does the £875 include?
A. This price includes comprehensive training materials, 12 months’ access to Catalyst’s web-based learning resources plus online exam and tutorial support from one of their Master Black Belt trainers. If you would like BQF Green Belt certification, there is an additional cost of £220. Prices quoted are excluding VAT.
I hope this has answered some of your popular questions regarding starting or continuing your training with Lean Six Sigma.
If you would like to ask me a question, then please feel free to send me a message via the contact page.

The Lean Six Sigma Guru is a master, whose identity must remain a secret. They specialise in answering your questions, big and small, using their advanced Lean Six Sigma, agile and other continuous improvement knowledge. They have helped many individuals and companies succeed.